Task Manager



Tasks are a useful means of creating and managing special instructions for hotel staff throughout the day, both present and in the future. Presently, the Task Manager can only be accessed from specific menus of Chorum, but a specific menu for tasks may be introduced in a later version. Most hotels use the tasks menu to handle specific guest requests or chores not already covered by Chorum’s other menus (such as housekeeping and maintenance), but the limit is up to your own personal preferences.

For example, a guest requests that a copy of a specific edition of the bible be placed on the night stand prior to their arrival - provided the hotel decides to honor the request, there are no menus or functions in Chorum that handle tracking this request. Instead, the hotel’s manager (or another individual with the ability to create tasks) creates an assignment from the guest’s reservation dictating the request, then assigns it to a specific clerk or distribution group for completion.

Be aware that before you can properly use the Task Manager, your hotel must have set up and configured Distribution Groups. Tasks can only be assigned to existing groups or users who have a profile added on the distribution groups menu. See the related topic, Distribution Groups, for more information.